Its been a strange couple of weeks, ive hardly seen my fella as his work has taken him away from home quite a bit, by the time weekends get here we are both too tired to do anything so its just been a 'get through period of our lives'.
Last week my eldest was struck down with swine flue so it meant a week of being shut indoors with the triplets all having to stay off school too. I dont think they minded that much though as it meant half term in our house started a week early !
I can say whole heartedly i am so looking forward to next week and them all going back to school, ive been trying to keep them entertained so started to decorate the first bedroom which is the boys, but it was a bigger job than i had antisipated and im still not finished.. theres clothes all along the upstairs hall and paint tubs all around my bathroom...
I understand where they were coming from now when they say a womans work is never done ~ thats so true.
It was amusing though to give 3 kids a 5 litre tin of undercoat and say get on with it, they certainly had a good go.
I did manage to get to riding Monday which was lovely, Phil decided he would make me look like Noddy for a night so along with 3 huge other horses and their riders i was allocated a pony ! yep.. To say i felt embarrassed was an understatement, im small but this little one was tiny, i felt so mean and thought id squash her.
The reason was explained to me though as this little pony used to be used by the kids in classes and has such a free spirit, she takes off at night and escapes the stables (several times) she just decides shes going for a walk and is then usually found miles away, she was also showing her wilder side in the kids classes and was bolting off, leaving the kids either on the floor or scared stupid, so the poor thing isnt being used in their schooling at the moment.
As i was small they asked if i would ride her in my class to gently break her back in as she hadnt been rode for 6 months, if she starts getting used to it again the kids will be able to smother her with love and affection and have her back in their classes, we know shes always everyones favourite because of her character, so i went along with it..
To say she gave me the ride of my life was an understatement!
I have never been that fast on a horse/pony in my life.. my exact words as they told me to canter her round, i cannot say here but lets just say i was swearing rather loudly and laughing my head off ! She was like a mad thing and didnt want to stop! her ears and head were way up and she seemed to really be enjoy herself ~ so was i if im honest.
I went home smiling and although everyone was giggling about it i went to sleep happy.
I get days like that where you just want to run and keep going as fast as you can, it just goes to show it doesnt matter about your size, its whats inside that spirit that allows you do the things you love, isnt it? I hope i get her again, i dont care that we looked like Noddy and Big Ears in with a group of giants, between us we both had a great time and i think ive got over my phobia of not liking to ride the little horses.. she showed me just how much fun ive been missing..
Tonight as its halloween and all the kids are well and happy we are going out trick or treating. Every year my lot all dress up and get so excited, so this week i got them all brilliant costumes and will join in with the fun.Last years mistake of jumping out wearing a witch costume when someone knocked on my door wont happen again (it was one poor little girl standing there all on her own) who i managed to scare the crap out of, she was running down my drive screaming for her mother, who by that time was in hysterics laughing her head off (that was so cruel i know) it must be a mum thing.
But i didnt know she was on her own i promise! all night the local kids were banging on the door and winding me up as much as possible with eggs, so i just thought it was be amusing to give some halloween sprit back.. god did that backfire on that poor little girl.. I bet she wont be back this year!
Im making toffee apples with my fella this afternoon, so have to pay a visit to tescos for some sugar and apples. I'll post the photos of tonight, cook a nice meal and enjoy a night of ghostly festives with the kids...
It will all stop at 8pm anyway here as its X Factor night.. and its my time.......