Its been a brilliant week! the weathers been gorgeous how often do we get to BBQ in April..
This weeks been packed solid, we've been out dancing to our usual haunts and had a great time, Richard and Sharon are now in Cuba so we got Jackie and the girls Thursday, it was such a good lesson the whole night was brilliant, boy didn't i panic when i got pulled up to rueda with 3 of the really good dancers, they were calling moves i didn't have a clue what they were but jackie's lead was so expert i managed to get through most, we've decided we are going along Sunday to see Max and his brothers at Keir and pushing ourselves a bit more..
We haven't done much dancing over the last 3 weeks as we thought my fella had chicken pox, luckily it was an allergy so now we have to make up for the lost time, you soon forget your moves when you take a break, Ive got something special planned for tonight that i hope will help him so hopefully this weekend should be as much fun as the rest of the week has been...
Mondays riding was brilliant as i learnt so much, i also learnt that Bad mood Billy wont behave for two weeks on the trot ! god was he a total pain again, its so hit and miss with him , if he decides hes not moving that's it..lol Kevin made us all spend time sitting on a barrel to get everything right and boy didn't that hurt ! i know now that my seating still needs some work...
Last night we threw a party to celebrate my eldest sons birthday, my house was full of happy people all there to show him how much hes loved, Ive got a few of his mates still up there sleeping but all in all the night went so smoothly, my fella did us all proud and cooked up a storm on the BBQ, I really had such a great night..
Its Dayles 18th on Wednesday so as you can imagine Ive been saving up, and am going to put him through his driving lessons to help him find his freedom, once he gets that there will be no stopping him....lol hes such a lovely lad I'm lucky to have such a good friend in him..
Tuesday hes coming round to sort everyone's hair out before he flies out to Egypt, theres a queue waiting ready, Ive agreed to let him cut mine shorter ! eek My lack of iron sadly did take it toll on some things i can't reverse quickly and my hair paid the price, so I'm going backwards to go forwards and starting again....
Today I'm catching up with emails work and then seeing how fast i can do the housework, i have treated myself to some new jeans which are 5 feet too long so I'm getting the machines out and seeing what i can come up with, Ive already chopped the waistband off and started making adjustments so it should keep me entertained for an hour..
Next week is going to be a good one, I'm in London middle of the week, meeting up with Cheryl and our friends afterwards, partying with a great bunch of girls (and a jacuzzi) on Friday and slotting everything i can fit in between...
I hope the weather stays as beautiful as it is today.........
Have a brilliant weekend everyone...........
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