Its been a terrific morning, the musics so good on the radio, they are playing the all time top 500 tracks so Ive been singing my head off since i woke up and dancing round the lounge..lol
Today although its bank holiday I'm getting set up for the week and packing, ive had a few days off this weekend been out and about and had a great night partying, ive really enjoyed myself, its amazing how good people can make you feel.. I feel really good at the moment ..
My fellas in fine spring spirit and cracking me up today, there isn't a clean word that's coming into his conversation it always ends up with that smirk and i cant help but giggle..it must be the sunshine and warm weather every ones so happy..
Tomorrows going to be a good one, im doing a double riding lesson tomorrow night and cant wait, the earlier part im spending with a barrell (not brandy sadly) as its supposed to really help get that transition right, i thought riding was sitting on a saddle and just going !! theres so much to learn but I'm enjoying it more than i ever have and wake up on riding days beaming..
This weeks been such a breath of fresh air, a bit like sitting outside after the rain has fallen, just as that beautiful sun comes out, everything looks so fresh sparkly and new, it makes you feel like theres so much out there yet to experience, springs arrived, the birds are making their nests and chasing each other about with excitement, so why shouldn't we.....................
I cant put my finger on why i feel so positive at the moment all i know is I feel like a bird thats just discovered it can fly so im enjoying the moment...........
Bank holidays are usually boring... this ones been brilliant.....
Have a great day everyone.......
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