Its been a lovely couple of days. We took the kids to the beach Sunday which they really enjoyed, it made me giggle as whatever they are doing they kept popping their heads up to make sure we were still there, We went and sat in the dunes away from the wind which was lovely, its the first time this year I have seen the sea! just listening to it made me feel peaceful..
Last night was riding, my god was i excited ! I missed last week as i had to have some iron injections and wasnt allowed to ride or drive, god did i miss it.
My fella was a gem and took Lauren to her class for me so i could carry on working as i wanted to be off the computer last night and was up against time, usually im running on monday nights trying to get her there and be on time myself but its worth all the hassle though i really love being up there. Next week im planning on doing a bit more, its been a hard couple of weeks with the work so im rewarding myself and doing more of that stuff i enjoy so much.
Last night i was riding Fudge, hes a lovely little chap and was well behaved for me we got to put the horses out in the fields again after the lesson, that to me really hits home springs arrived, taking off their head collars and watching them run free round those fields is priceless, i end up getting home later and later now which considering i ride at 6.30 makes me giggle as i still get home at the time i did when i was riding at 8.30 ! Kevins got us all sitting on barrells next week which will definately be one for the camera..lol
Im booking a hack now its warmer and asking claire if she'll take some photos for me, Lauren went out on her first hack last week and didnt stop talking for a week! Im so jealous i cant wait to head off through those fields...
Today im doing a little bit of everything, a bit more listing, slot in a bit of gardening and finishing with a spring clean in my home, my fellas gone out so the musics up loud and im willy'ing round the lounge ! hehe no i havent spelt that wrong its my favourite salsa track at the moment....
los Campeones de la Salsa
Not only does he have me shimmeeing round the lounge today looking at him has made me rather hot too !
Anyway have a great day everyone......................
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