Yesterday was such a great day.......
I spent the afternoon practising with my fella as he keeps throwing new moves at me,we were only going to do an hours practising but ended up having such fun it went on for most of the afternoon.. I was knackered before i went out.. lol
I came to a point with my dancing where i was feeling really frustrated with myself, I let my head and hang ups hold me back, Yesterday helped me so much with that side..even down to those little things , its really helped..

Since we started dancing and having the salsa lessons i felt like id stepped into something good, but i dont feel like that today, i feel like im part of something really very special not just good..

We were part of the dancecuban family (thats what we are! ) friends of ours that make you feel like your'e part of one big family.............It really is a special feeling, everyone in the group wants to be there, we are all as excited about whats to come as each other and we all get on so well, its always such a giggle.. but its all down to 2 people, these people have added so much to our lives its untrue............Sharon and Richard........
I cant say enough how much these guys have given us and mean to me, Sharons bringing back my confidence week by week that i thought id lost, Richards turned my fella not just into my dream guy, as he didnt believe he could dance a step before,but also helps me, and last night we danced together where everything just slotted into place perfectly.. I wish to god i could have captured that moment on film...

Its not just about the steps is it? You guys have taught us that through your passion, its being able to feel totally uninhibited on that floor and enjoying every beat, by just doing what feels natural its bringing out the best in each other.. in the most special way..
The band was amazing and the best live act ive ever seen, the music felt like it was going right through me..
My fella loves to dance with everyone from our group which is brilliant as watching them all smile seeing everyone so happy is such a great feeling, we all take turns to dance and wish there was more men sometimes but its not about how many dances you have, its about enjoying the ones you get ! (well thats my philosophy anyway) he was frustrated he couldnt get round to dancing with everyone, but for anyone he missed out on, im sure they'll be the first on that list Thursday..lol..
I had the most amazing 'Son' Dance with Max, it felt like id drunk twice the vodka i had when i walked off that floor,he was so smooth it really was magical..

I did take my camera, but this morning am giggling as theres not much on it, but thats down to enjoying my night (and yes quite a few vodkas)the night had only just started but once that band came on that was it,nobody worried about the camera.. but thats gotta be good right ..I know kevins got loads of photos, as i can remember him chasing us about on the dance floor with his camera.. so pass them over then Kevin!! lol
Today i cant be motivated to work ive done enough this week and am taking weekends off from now on, so im chilling with the kids as afterall it is Sunday, ive made giant papier machier hearts for their science homework which has devastated my kitchen (but great fun to do) so i intend painting them this afternoon and making a bit more before i start on that housework..what the hell i'll cope with the mess today and it will get done eventually, i want this weekend to stay exactly as its been..One of the best and certainly one for my armchair ...
Richard, Sharon, Penny, Jayne, Zenda, David, Roses and all you fun people out there, you've given me so much to look forward to..
So this weekend the smiles down to you lot...
I'm really looking forward to Thursday now. Can't wait to get dancing.
I cant wait either now, can you imagine how good this is going to be in the summer..
Just back from Earles court been to the Pure exhibition, what a day!
Its been really interesting but my god are my feet killing me tonight...
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