OMG am i on such a high today.... Not only did we get that beautiful snow yesterday (yes i did play snowballs with the kids) we had another of those unforgettable nights out to top the day off...

It was Salsaaaaaaaaaaaa and my favourite day of the week, it seems to be coming round so quick now..

Week by week we are striking up amazing friendships with people and i can honestly say ive never felt so good..

I made an exception last night and took my daugher with us for once, she argues with her brothers so we wanted to show her how much we enjoy oursleves when we go dancing so she got to see mum and dad at their happiest, salsaing the night away with Sharon Richard and all our friends there.. its worked too as she told her brothers that she doesnt want to make us come home so wont argue as the place was totally out of this world ! bless she loved it..

The roads were pretty bad as the snow was falling heavy, but although its cold its also breathtakingly beautiful driving through the dark roads with huge white snow drops falling all around us, im such a big kid at heart..I find the strangest things wonderful..lol
The night just got better and better, the hardened salsa addicts were all there braving the weather so the night was brilliant, you wouldnt never have thought it was middle of the winter at the Staithe i was standing out in the snow trying to cool off.....hehe 

Rueda was the best yet with me and steve trying to keep up with Sharon and Richards amazing moves, i end up laughing so much i forget what im supposed to be doing, but at one point in the rueda i was facing Richard trying to do rumba and keep a straight face as i couldnt remember which hand was doing what so kinda got it completely wrong, and was then moved straight into sharon doing reggaetton ! my crazy arms and legs were waving around like loonies so i must have looked like a turkey being strangled not sexy as its suposed to be... i just burst into fits of giggles as i couldnt remember what part i was supposed to be wiggling so just did the lot at once like a mad person throwing a fit...lol 

I went to sleep with one track stuck in my head all night and have spent half the day trying to find out what it is? can anyone help (please).. all i know is i had one hell of a dance to it with my fella as he loved it as much as me so we need to get that track! hehe the chorus goes 'dont you remember what you told me' and boy is that song now my favourite !! lol
As you all know its valentines tomorrow and usually ill drop subtle hints for chocolate i never get to eat (the kids all eat it and leave the wrappers there) so i never get a look in, so this year we are doing something different just for us..

Its totally mad as you would expect..lol ive bought my fella a gift this year that should just make the night special and one to remember.....
Ill let you all know how it goes..................................
I hope its as good as last night was..
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