Its been a really good week, so appologies for not posting, we have been busy enjoying

Public Transport
So PLEASE!!!..........Write to YOUR MP demanding improved public transport for villages NOW!
Last week as normal it was riding monday, which was great but very testing on my legs and stamina...
The rest of the week was a blur of work and trying to get myself organised, i went up to see my friends thursday night to pick up some dresses and ended up in a jacuzzi, which made me giggle as i overslept the next morning and was very late in to work..ah well its not everyday you get to spend some unplanned time out and it was such a lovely evening, we had a full moon and a sky full of stars watching us and i must admit its the most relaxed ive felt in a long time, it was beautiful.......
Saturday we went back up this time though we didnt have to drive so my fella was able to have a drink too, ive drunk more vodka and brandy this week than i have the rest of the
It started off at a local pub watching a live band (and trying out some salsa moves) and ended up with me shutting 2 poor girls in a boot of the bands car (they fancied the driver so a good way of getting a lift i thought!)oops
The whole night was such a giggle, the music was great and the company even better.. we didnt get much sleep so i spent the whole of sunday asleep and missed the day..... but its been making me giggle all day when i keep getting
I even tried to talk some poor fella into letting me be ET for an evening and sit in the basket of his mobility scooter, which thankfully he declined (as i had a fella with me...hehe) he must be pretty flexable to be able to get up to anything in a shopping basket, i wasnt expecting that one...
Anyway our friend wrote about our antics before i got the chance to thankfully and it made me laugh that much today i nearly wet myself reading it so thought all you guys should have a giggle and read it.........................................ENJOY.........................................
Public Transport
Whatto! Weary travellers............
I have often found that public transport generally is in quite a poor state...........
Several people who I have spoken to say that they are unhappy with the general service and reliability...........Luckily we have a personal chauffeur so I don't find that I'm directly effected.........but I experienced it first hand on Saturday night and it was nothing short of.......HORRIFIC!!..........
We went to the pub to watch some live music and enjoyed the general ambience and atmosphere as vintage wine and vodka flowed freely.............
Everyone was in high spirits and the general mood was spectacularly good!...........
Eventually the band finished their set for the night............. and everyone began to consider making their respective ways home.............It was then............. that the QUANDRY FACED US!!......... And I began to ask the vital question "What choice is there for people?") at that hour of the night?) who live in a little village miles fom anywhere?
I watched in utter amazement as (before my very eyes) people improvised their transport measures!!.............
Some crammed into the boot of a taxi (I'm not sure if they get reduced fares for the inconvenience of having to travel lying down).............
And although they all took it in very good spirits............... the final result looked more like and exodus from a disaster zone than what honest decent people should be entitled to expect in this day and age!!
Others took turns with a mobility vehicle......... .
......until the batteries were finally worn out!...........
Some chose to put their transportation worries to one side for a while.........and simply
DANCE their way home!!!......
Others just began the long, desperate and exhausting CRAWL home on their hands and knees............. Ouch!!!...........
Some simply claimed 'Squatters Rights' for themselves and made a comfortable place on the patio for the night!!
So PLEASE!!!..........Write to YOUR MP demanding improved public transport for villages NOW!
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