Its Monday, oh yes but its not the usual madness, so that makes a refreshing change..
I started the day very early thankfully as i managed to get to bed early last night.. I was so tired yesterday i was totally useless... so i caught up on the emails and printed everything out ready this morning so i would hopefully be organised and its worked, Ive done it.. I'm so pleased
The house looks like a bombs hit it again but i had to leave it this morning as i wanted to get done and get home, so to be home by 1pm is brilliant for me , ive left my fella in my sisters capable hands and am going to do all those little jobs i meant to all weekend (oh and blog) hehe
The weekend was a real good one and has given me many giggles at odd times, but i did something over the weekend that i wouldn't normally do I complained !!lol
That's right, for some strange reason i decided i would give Walkers Crisps a bad day, it isn't like me but i was so annoyed I went ahead , took all the jibes by my fella about me and a bag of crisps and wrote an email..
Its started off when i sent the kids to the shop for a multi pack as I was making them sandwiches for lunch, nothing annoying there you say, until i opened the pack....
Why do they have such a big bag saying multi pack x 6 ready salted when theres literally 6 crisps in total in the bag, surely the idea of buying 6 of anything suggests you get a small discount for buying the 6, if someone bought 6 of my tops i would do that.. no not walkers they are too big to give a hoot.. instead one by one i opened the packs to discover all 6 packs that were inside the multi pack didn't fill up one of the packets.. what a rip off !! honestly they say about the world needing to be more greener and concerned with all today's un necessary packaging, well go and get a bag of walkers crisps and you'll see why, most kids i know all eat crisps and id hate to think how much packaging goes into the ground by them alone, is badness, you cant see through it, its bag after bag for what a slither of a potato that they triumphantly claim are grown in Britain... cheek ! if they cut the packs smaller you would only use 1rd of the packaging, but they wont do that as we would see how small the contents were and wouldn't buy them..........
So off it all started.. my fella could see i was annoyed so happily enjoyed winding me up to the point i wanted to email the crisp company..oops I wrote out exactly what i thought of their packaging and contents to then discover i couldn't send the email as their dodgy website forgot to add in the section (in the complaints part only!) where to put your email address and it wouldn't submit it until they had my email, by this time the air was blue and i was determined that i would speak to someone, so one by one i emailed every email i could find at walkers the words i wanted them to read, in no uncertain terms......lol
By this morning i hadn't thought much about it and had calmed down .. i was a little stressed i must admit, then this morning some really gentle, very nice lady phoned my mobile representing Walkers Crisps to talk to me....................(red faced now i humbly am) she was such a nice lady, i must have given her such a unsavoury morning, i don't ever usually complain, so to be faced with someone so polite trying to apologise for the lack of crisps in my bag made me feel terrible...
I know im not the type of girl that will make a fuss about anything, in fact everyone who knows me thinks im a mug !! hehe but i think id rather be a mug any day and be nice to people than vent my rudeness on someone like that again, all for a packet of crisps (after all i bought the bloody things as i like walkers best)
But after talking to her and apologising about a trillion times for my emailssssssssssssssssssss lol Walkers want to send me compensation and a supply of ready salted crisps to try and put the matter right,they wont sadly make the bags smaller and cut back on all the un necessary packing but they will fill my kids up with crisps to shut me up..lol
At the end of the call she took my address and thanked me for taking the time to tell them about my concerns and asked if i had any recommendations for new crisp flavours (as they are running a competition) so after several moments deep in thought i came out with yes ! humble pie might be nice........... lol
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