Well the working weeks over for most of you... not for me though..lol
I'm happy to say the websites now safely across, so you can now see some of the changes, its a little mixed up bless (it was built by a blonde..lol) and I'm working on that this end, round the clock...
Ive got to re size all the thumbnails so they are bigger, which is better for the customers and once that's done i can then start to load all the new styles in.....yipeeee
Its been really hectic as people have been ringing through orders all day, and they can see images are not right in some areas, so I'm having to email pictures to customers, but that's my priority job and by Monday ill have that part done, please bear in mind i have hundreds to do though.... so be patient with me..lol
I had a terrible migraine last night that stopped me in my tracks, but went into work today as I'm the one that has to talk to the computer, so a little dizzy and very tired I'm slowly coming out the other end and will soon have it working to perfection, the hardest part thankfully is now complete so the work now is all good.........creative and to make it look pretty.....
Ive also got a weekend planned, of photoing all day and website changes all night.. so ive missed my invitation with my friends to go to ' The Ice Bar ' they are off tonight to drink vodka in a bar in London that's made completely of ice, but in my absence will take photos for me, so this one ill fill you all in with Monday, and tell you what they tell me..lol Ive promised ill go later if the experience is as good as they say.... 

they are also off to another place afterwards i would have loved to experienced lol, which just happens to have 120 naked girls that dance there! ...lol
I really wanted to go, but as the site came across last night and the database this lunchtime, i have no choice, but to get this done and get all the new gear photoed, so i hope all you guys have a good weekend for me.........you could have a vodka and orange juice too if you don't mind for me...lol
My sister and grandparents are on their way to their holiday in Turkey, and yes im stuck here as usual ....lol
but it is as they say, we all have to sacrifice things and then we enjoy it all the more when its our turn.... and its coming ...
So Ive wished them all bon voyage and will really miss them all.........
So tonight i have 120 naked women running through my head and visions of a beach in the sunset........... now that should make for some interesting dreams............lol
Ill let you know that one tomorrow.........hehe

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