Its saturday......yipeeeeee
As usual ive been riding so I'm feeling happy, today i did my first low jump too..lol
It wasn't anything drastic, but to me it was a start, Ive been kept on Zorrel so its been going really well, this week i get an extra lesson too during the week to break the day up, so its something else for me to look forward to..
Ive finally started looking for riding gear for myself now,the prices of some of it is horrendous so I'm watching a few bits on eBay, Ive already got some jodhpurs on their way, but i need to get this hat I'm after, its far better than the army one I'm wearing at present and as i know im in this for the long run now, ill get myself some essentials..
I'm getting on really well with Sarah who runs the place and her daughter, and having a real giggle during the lesson, so they are coming to my unit this week to see what i do all week..lol
its 10 Min's up the road from the stables and i never realised..lol its that bad sense of direction thing i have...
Tonight we were invited to hit the city pubs and clubs with our friends,i really wanted to go but know i have to work :( i have a job that has to be done by Monday so although i would love a night out, in a week or so when the works done, ill happily take up their offer...
I can also go to the Birmingham NEC next sat/sun with them to a adult sex show (which sounds good fun) so Ive got another few hard days work left then I'm clear.. they have a rodeo penis there...and Ive got to have a go at that........hehe
I need to find an hour somehow , i need to wax my legs and sort myself out, even ill admit i look tired today...
The good news is my partners been such a gem,hes cooking for me and helping with the kids so its lifting the burden, although hes fell asleep for 3 nights on the trott on our sofa...hes got really important appointments lined up for Wednesday and Thursday so i need to make sure this is all done for then...
I got a letter yesterday about my son, they are testing him or dyspraxia and dyslexia next week so at last my little boy may finally get the help he needs, theres so many labels they put on kids nowadays hes had quite a few, but as we've got this far im sure whatevers round the corner well cope with just fine........
Anyway back to work time...
Have a great weekend everyone, its my turn next week..lol
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