Were back....lol
From our usual 800 mile round trip..lol
Its been a really exciting but very hard few days, i didn't get to sleep in the car park this time, i actually had a really nice hotel, but i didn't get any sleep, full stop..lol
Paris was beautiful the sun was shining and the place was buzzing...
we've ended up finding a really nice place to chill out in between buying, the barman helps me with my french so I'm slowly getting there, but im not so sure about French food..lol
I was going to have a steak (til they told me it was raw and not cooked at all ! yuk) i watched one woman sit there and eat what looked like a live cow on a plate...moooo
We saw a lot more places this time, where the locals live our place was somewhere i think the tourists don't go, a mix of Brixston and the Bronx, but i really enjoyed being part of it and watching the gangs dance on the street corners, they seemed to be ok with us, but you have to keep your wits about you ...
The autumn winter range is now getting about so it was a really good journey, well the car was that full and this time it was heavy, so we got just enough... Ive fell in love with a jumper, and am allowed to keep it, i saw something out there i would have died to have, but wholesale it was 300 and i don't think theres enough places i would have been able to wear it and not be arrested for indecent exposure..lol
Everything was exactly as i thought so im still bang on with how i feel fashion will go, so the trip was a good one, although ive never walked so far in my life, i cant go horse riding either today as my feet are double their normal size, my fella thinks its funny as i again went in flip flops but my toes are huge and i cant put my feel down without making little whimpering noises..lol
My fellas still trying to get me to dress elegantly (not a chance there, i love flip flops too much) and has brought me a new handbag !( a posh one) lol so that will go upstairs with the other 20 collecting mothballs, why would i need a handbag when my combats have so many pockets in them...men are such strange things sometimes........lol
The highlights for me on this trip were one the french girl who came into our place dressed like a front page spread (gorgeous) me sitting in a beautiful park for a baguette in the sun (only to realise there was 2 large gangs either side taking a huge interest in us (or perhaps they liked my lunch!) lol
the funniest part was me falling asleep in the car on the way home and waking up in an empty car with my fella sitting in a police riot van opposite...lol his face was a picture, apparently he was going rather fast (I told you he likes to make my head wobble when i sleep in that car) ..hehe but they were great policeman, taught me a little more french charged us 45 euros cash and wished us bon voyage............they seemed to understand that when you drive through Paris if you do less than a 100 you are gonna get a car up your bumper beeping his horn at you, so could understand why hed got used to driving at that speed...hence i had to stay awake for the rest of the trip and keep him under check...lol
Did anyone notice that moon last night.... it followed me home, and was the most beautiful sight ive seen in years, my partner said it was putting him off driving, but ive never seen it that colour and so BIG...... i made hundreds of wishes on the way back, one that was to get me home safely, so i got my wish...
The thing that surprised me though was Diana ... we drive through that tunnel every time we go and its horrible, i can see why the accident happened, we've nearly come unstuck there too and not one bunch of flowers was laid a tribute................ so she makes the papers bless and every ones talking about it, but yet no one had enough decency to lay a tribute to her in that tunnel...........
Paris is exciting yes, but its also really really dangerous place to drive, that's the part they don't tell you in the papers..........
time for a bath, and see if i can get my feet back down to normal size...
Ive got a lot of unpacking to do today......
no rest for the wicked eh......lol
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