I spoke to my sister today after receiving a lovely text message with a photo of my newphew in it, with the words ' as you havent been to see me yet, i thought id send you a photo before he is a toddler'
It did get to me and thats obviously why she sent it, i rang her and thought it was only fair she knew what i had on my plate so hopfully she may understand a little more why i havent visited or been anywhere..
for start off she doesnt work, but has a car and hasnt been to see me either, i work full time, have 4 kids and am struggling to find enough time to wash my hair let alone go to hers and listen to how hard motherhood is and how she misses my mum and wished i could fly her home to visit ....mmmmm .. im good for something then ...
I have my vat bill in that needs paying and have to work extra hours when the bills come in, but to punish me for not having enough time when im trying so hard and my door is always open is cruel...id welcome them here and really enjoy the company, but they never come.....
Its easter weekend i am working, but im also painting eggs with the kids in between and doing my best to keep them happy, so im trying to keep them entertained and happy and so far it seems to be working well ....
I had a talk earlier with my fella and as things are looking brighter im getting back my oasis next week and a few things ive badly missed so although the last 2 months have been very tough im glad i have dug in deep and am getting it done....
At least i know never to take anything for granted.... so ill enjoy it all the more ...
Tonight im taking a night off, instead of salad which is all we seem to eat, im having chips... lol proper home cooked ones with fried eggs sausages and bacon...and enjoying every bite, then im gonna have a bath , turn myself back into the woman i havent been lately, light my candles and watch a movie......
Have a great Easter weekend everyone ................

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