What a beautiful weekend its been, the weather couldnt have been better ...
Im feeling a little better this morning, although i have a tummy the size of britain at least that explains my eratic behaviour this week, he kept saying it was p.m.t but i wanted to thump him...
We had a lot of mail arrived saturday that i hadnt opened so last night we went through it all and the last letter we opened which we thought was a bill wasnt......
In fact it was good news.... it looks like my partner may have finally secured the investment into my company that i was hoping to have last june ........
This means that all my hard work hasnt been in vain, i would be able to do what i wanted to do for the last 5 months....
Its gonna take a few weeks yet to finalise the paperwork, but thats fine, so far so good .......
I moan sometimes about the way my fella works, but what a gem, it may have taken a few knocks and bruises to get there, but it looks like he may have got there for me in the end ..........
At last i may be able to slow down a little and relax ........
That beach is getting closer.........
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