Ive had such a beautiful day today.....
worked really hard but totally enjoyed my day too ......
ive done all whats needed for my business and for my spirit ....
and finally found whats missing...
enjoying the freedom to be myself and comfortable with who i am...
ive had a few surprises today and many giggles, it was a brilliant day....
if this is how it can be then the changes were for the better, my partner came back tonight tired but very happy, so for a change hes having a well earned early night ........
ive got a large brandy and am now gonna plonk myself in a long hot bath and listen to some music ....... im in no hurry for today to fly by .......
the lil star track im loving , i just downloaded, so i am gonna be in my element in that tub...
'just keep trying and trying.....
its just a matter of timing.....
sooner or later you'll find it' ...........
its very true what some lyrics say..... someone out there feels how i do .......
were all little stars in our own right, and all shine in wonderfully different ways .........
looking for something that makes us glow inside and feel good about ourselves ..........
today i can honestly say i understand exactly what it means ..........
and im so excited again about tomorrow and what it may bring ........
and if i can make people smile tomorrow as i did today, then im one happy girl ...
life is so serious, but also so short, surely we should to make the most of every moment ..........
im not dead inside nor am i ready to be , im very much alive and kicking, as we all are and feel ....
so if we have to work hard some times, then lets all work hard at enjoying our time .....
its so wonderfully precious ......... it cannot be bought ..... just cherished and enjoyed ..........
before it flies away on the breeze .....

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