Well its been quite a week .....
Things are slowly getting in order this end ..
Although to be honest i didn't really know where to start..
I seemed to be needed everywhere at the same time and have been trying to half myself .. lol
Ive somehow managed to delete a whole blog where i used to go to clear my head, i can remember seeing the word settings but i clicked the wrong one and deleted the lot ...
I'm not sure yet if i can find the enthusiasm to re-do it yet so I'll have to save those thoughts for my drives in my car and hope the wind blows them away... lol
The kids have been sick one by one ... its been an endless routine of running and up and down stairs with drinks and yesterday they lovingly passed it on to me so Ive spent the night being violently sick but thankfully today we are just about all getting back to feeling better...
My samples have all been arriving all week, but my tummy was so swelled up i couldn't do the photos .. lol ....
Its got something to do with not eating well or looking after myself so Ive been asked by a few family members to take a few hours off and look after me (i will as soon as my little ones are all well lol) so hopefully next week ill be able to tan up and get myself feeling a little better and stick to my gluten free diet not eat crackers as im too tired to cook .......
I have a beautiful design room now and somewhere to go when i need to sew in the silly hours of the night so I'm really happy with that, but its hard to be creative when you feel so tired this week ...
Anyway i did actually sit in front of a TV last night which is rare for me but Troy was on so i was glued to Brad and Davids torso's all night quite contently smiling to myself ..... so it made a pleasant change (Ive only seen it a few times and may have missed something) .....lol
I don't know if its the bad boy i like or the good guy now as i think they are both so sexy , I'm actually starting to favour Hector now ..... mmmm
Ive had my grandparents visit today which was lovely, its always nice to be with them as they seem to know how I'm feeling without the needs for words (which is just how i like it) and i got a huge hug from my grandad which isn't like him so he obviously knows whats inside ....
The last month has been so hard ... its like trying to swim upstream with the current against you ... but I'm taking deep breaths, getting my head down and not looking back ..........
My fella is happy, he disappears early and gets home whenever hes had enough, I'm enjoying hearing about his day and seeing him smiling inside out, i look forward to seeing him every night so its working well ....
Ive worked out so much stuff that was in my head and found the answers, but one thing Ive learnt is that no matter what comes and goes in my life...I will keep looking for the positives....
As long as I'm loved ..... I'm lucky ........ as long as I'm busy .... I'm needed .......
As much as I'm tired ..... I'll never be tired of looking at the sunrise ......

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