Ive just been reading about poor Britney and its made me so angry........
Shes shaved off all her hair and is so close to a breakdown the press want to just push that little bit more harder to make sure she does......
Shes a classic tale of what society can do to a person , a bloke who just wanted a trophy to call his wife. he probably didnt want her in the first place it was just to see if he could ......
Friends that are only friends because of who she is, as if the girl had a true friend she would be standing by her now and helping her ... so where is he/she ?
Shes saying she doesnt want to be touched, pulled about or used anymore......... i can really relate to that ......... so why doesnt someone help her .........
I feel so sorry for her, shes so young and is a very talented girl, who society is destroying bit by bit ........
Money doesnt buy happiness, and the only reason people want to see her fall is as she has money and a gift, they forget shes worked damn hard to get there, and dedicated all her life to it ......
The poor girl needs help ......... not to be hounded ........ what gives us the right ?
The way up isnt the hard part............. its the staying there that needs true grit............
I wish her all the best, and hope she finds her peace ............

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