What a relief !! Ive done it ..........
Ive managed to do everything i needed to do today..........god i am so pleased ...
this has been such a stressful week Ive had so much to do and have been waiting for the time i could say..........
I've finished.....
Ive put in enough items into the new shop to make it look presentable, i have all the extras ready to add nightly and i feel like screaming from the top of the roof .............yes !!!
it got to the point this week i was in tears with tiredness and didn't think i would get it all done in the time i had .........
but tonight I'm being rewarded for my effort with a meal a hot bath and a full night of glorious sleep ...........
phase one is now thankfully complete, phase two i have completed ready, but the final call is down to the people who believe and love what i create ........
they know where i am and the emails are coming thick and fast, Ive even had sales today from a shop that's not open yet...... so i couldn't possibly ask for a better start than Ive been given ........
its been one of the hardest weeks physically Ive had , my skin is crying out for sleep and my house looks like a bomb site................. but for tonight at least......... i couldn't feel more relieved............
i get to rest now for a day or two, then off i start again on the next one ......
i owe a huge heartfelt thanks to you that made this all possible..........
for building my tunnels and standing by me when i most needed the help ...
without you this wouldn't have been possible .............
now its my turn to show everyone what i can do with the gift Ive been given ........
everybody deserves a fresh start and the chance to feel how i do tonight .........
Thank you so much .................... i wont waste it .........xxxx

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