Ive started hopefully what will put me back on my track and it got me thinking...
Survival.......... its a powerful word
a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment.. my environment ....
mmmmmm very true ...........
I may be down..... but I'm not out........
so ive pulled up my socks (yes i do wear them, but only with sexy boots), brushed myself down, and gathered my thoughts ....
I haven't got to revise all those templates now so theres my positive thought .........
I'm starting afresh, as I'm not going into that handbag.......
so I'm gonna dig deep and do what i always loved doing......... being creative.....
it doesn't have to just be by making things........ it can also be making things happen ........
and i do have some fantastic machines here .....
I'm gonna do what i do best, and do what i love ............
amazing what a night of listening to old tunes does to your spirit .........
they got me through some real hard times before and put me in a frame of mind to fight for what i believed in............... and i do believe in what i do ........ and am a trained fighter !
they did the same tonight , except it wasn't a partner that hurt, he just tries to help, but a very greedy manufacturer who thankfully now will be be told in no uncertain terms ' you gotta go ' .........
I have another great record here he should listen to........ by simply red ..... 'look in the mirror'
its about today's greedy society .......... but i still love listening to those birds ..... if that makes me not fit for today's society then so be it........ i don't want to ........ i will listen to whats inside tonight and dig as deep as i can get ........
I ain't going anywhere ................
except for a nice early morning drive to hear those wonderful birds .........
and a little message to my lovely stalker .....
be very careful you know what those early birds eat !
.......... worms ........ yum !

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