Had a great night last night i went to Waxham beach for midsummers ....
It was wonderful, the group made me feel so welcome and I for one definately had a night to remember...
I was a little worried about going on my own at first, as I'm one of those people not good at going places on my own (something i inherited from Geoff) but my partner seemed to overcome that last night with words.... I'm so glad i went, i wouldn't have missed it for the world ....
I drove home singing my head off and when i got home he had cooked me a fantastic meal and laid it all out outside .... i couldn't tell him id been eating all night...lol so today i look like a pot bellied pig....lol
Ive got a day with the girls again , Steve is fishing with his friend so its gonna be a good feel good Friday....
I love working with Julie and Estelle I'm so lucky to have them around me....
I feel so happy and peaceful today, I slept so well but overslept til 8.30 (oops poor kids) lol breakfast on the run..
But must have needed it .... we have a really exciting weekend planned so I'm gonna enjoy the day today and the company of good people... and really look forward to the weekend....
Have a great day everyone.......
It was really good to see you there. You're such good fun and a lovely person.
I'm glad you had a great time. YOu're a sweetheart.
Thank you so much...
I love being with you guys,I had such a brilliant time...
always do xxx
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