Im still tired but managed to take a night for myself, i had the longest bath with the kids bringing me a vodka up ! my partner also cooked me a meal, which was lovely....
We spent a night in the garden, not doing much just talking & listening to music, but it was so pretty all the candles were lit and it really was nice to just do nothing...
The peace was soon shattered though as heard a young girl screaming, we couldn't see where she was so we were all running about trying to see what was happening..
You don't get this type of thing in our area so everyone was alarmed, within 2 min's it sounded like a world war was erupting, with many voices screams shouting and then the girl screaming hes got a knife...
That was it ! my fella rang the police and we all went out to help, it was a group of teenagers outside the convenience store who had managed to start one hell of a fight, the police said many people called them and they were already on their way, and within min's 2 riot vans turned up and thankfully stopped anyone from getting hurt...
my kids were terrified my eldest knows the boys well especially Reece, he was expelled from school at the age of 7 so now spends hos day just milling about having nothing to do..
I blame society, theres nowhere for these kids to go except hang out on the wreck, when we were younger there was more to do, i spent most of my nights hanging out with friends in a youth club, you cant find one now for the love of money, and they wonder why the kids are growing up as thugs...
Its become a place where parents are too busy working to survive, to do the stuff families used to, the kids are bringing themselves up, and were creating a society of kids that are bored or stuck in front of a TV with video games, its all morally wrong...
Eventually it all calmed down and the road went quiet, i fell asleep but was woken at 4am by some bloke who decides to keep ringing and asking me who i am ? lol
it begins with a F and ends with an F... especially at that time in the morning, he eventually got the message when my fella was woken up and decided to give him an ear bashing,, hence ive been up since 4.30 , good job i went to bed early....
That's just what the Dr ordered a nice pleasant quiet night to chill......................lol
Ive got my sister coming tonight to sit for the kids so we can go out, i was invited to a club with creane and the girls tonight, but im really not up to it, im not feeling good at the moment... and need something to perk me up, so have made up a night that i think will be good spiritually to help ... the poledancing ill do later, when i feel better..
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