Good morning everyone, happy bank holiday to you that are still lounging about in your dressing gowns..lol
well the weekends over and i have to say Ive had a good time, Ive been down to the beach felt the wind through my hair and feel so much better than i did Friday...
Ive been outside this morning in the garden speed skipping..lol honestly.. it burns calories like nothing else and if you pop a head set on with fast tracks on it, you skip like crazy, i learnt that in kickboxing and always enjoyed it,although i did get wet this morning as its raining...lol
I'm sweeping up sand everywhere this morning, i seem to have brought back half the beach last night but i had such a great night it was really worth it...
I went back to or chant beach and sat with a group who were all enjoying a few drinks and a welcoming large bonfire, it really is such a magical place and brings back so many fond memories of our night in that storm...
Today i have 3 dresses to finish sewing, 4 kids hair cuts (5 if you include the other half), and a house to clean, as all need doing badly by tomorrow so its gonna be a busy day today, but I'm full of life today showered and ready to go....lol
Lol i had to giggle yesterday, i had a guy called romeo send me the most bizare email through my space, he was nice looking (and knew it) and decided to email me with a friend request (amongst other things lol), i wouldn't normally do it but i sent back a reply telling him that although he had looks he didn't have much else going for him, probably had a dick the size of his manners....
Id rather have a friendship with a battery powered rabbit lol....
Ive met a few really nice people who i talk to on there and really am not interested in the outside shell only whats inside a person...
have a great day everyone, whatever you are doing.......
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