My partner decided to treat me to a film... He knows i have a thing for Pirates....lol .. & greeks romans anything where men are gods
Always have had... Its got something to do with the fact...
I am here at the wrong time !! placed in the wrong era...
Yes i would have loved to been in those times where women we all rampant sex slaves ,
taken when the need occured ...
Group orgies every night around a candle lit dwelling.. with free flowing booze...
Where men all were semi naked.. total barbarians.. and all held their swordes up with honour lol ... at every chance...
But no im stuck in a society where all that good stuff has been taken away....

Ive spent many a night dreaming about those days !
Oh to be in that bed .............

This guy does things to me you couldnt imagine.. but i do !! regulary
Its worth watching Troy over & over just to watch these two in action ...
But getting back to Pirates... sorry my mind was wandering away then lol
This film was so funny, so camp it was untrue... and totally unwatchable....
Except for one thing !!!

Yes you've got it...
The girl on girl scenes..........

They were the only part i enjoyed which entertained me thoroughly...

Putting on lustful shows in front of men... enjoying sex at every oportunity with males and females .. pref both at same time..

Why oh why couldn't i have experienced those good old days.......
Meanwhile although the film was rubbish (except for those blondes.. and that sizzling brunette mmm)
It had my mind deep in thought again !! & wandering off to another dwelling.. no nothing clean up there anymore lol ....
And instead of a night off to rest, after the firworks night ! (yes i am doing the blog) I had just finished it & google decided to delete the lot !!
I was stuck with immoral thoughts ..... a very dirty mind ..... and a ravishing appetite again !!
But with no shower to wash all those dirty thoughts away.... (i've broken the shower head again lol )
We ended up creating our own ending to the film ....
Covered in dripping candle body wax ..... ( god here i go again) .... aahhhhhhhh
So although the Pirate film did aid to a very entertaining erotic night ................
You have to use your imagination to watch it ..... unless you love girl on girl action ..... both of which i can and do...
Its not xxx rated as advertised .... but the little blonde looks like she has the mind for it ...... the brunette .. i def had xxx rated thoughts about.. so alls well that ends well..
But its in high definition sound anyway so you can always shut your eyes and imagine like we did ..
The night turned out to be great fun anyway ..... but focussed our thoughts of a not so far away place instead .....................

1 comment:
Love the idea of slammimg up against a table......... mmmmmmmmmmm!
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