If orgasms create your body to explode with wet excitement ....
Think of what happens when you have one after the other...
You don't have to just orgasm one way !
Its just the way you know you do normally..
If you open your mind .. relax your body and allow yourself to loose reality....
you may be in for a surprise..
Its time to relax , get your mind into gear, focus only on what you doing, and allow your mind to open up to everything you desire..
If you have erotic thoughts, allow them to wake your senses up ! if you feel excited in your mind your body will follow, this doesn't happen the other way round..
( Imagine you ban yourself from eating chocolate! and its been months since you last tasted it ! your thoughts of how good it tastes heighten , can you imagine after this time how much more you would enjoy a piece of this chocolate)
Its the same with sex the more you allow your mind to expand.........the more you tease your mind about sex.........the better it gets !!
What you now have to do is always imagine, that first bite !! that desire will take you into the right frame of mind to really enjoy and experience heightened sexual feelings ...
Causing your body to react with explosions of pure sensual excitement..
Remember if you can walk you can run ! if you can talk you can sing !!!!
If you can orgasm once ....... You can soar.......
Its the body that feels the sparks ..........
But its the mind that sets off those Fireworks ...........
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