Today has been totally inspiring. Ive potted that many pepper , tomato, courgettes and herb plants outside you can hardly see the floor. I'm totally drenched as yes i got caught in the thunderstorm but hey who cares, its been a brilliant day!
Things have completely changed in my house. There's a balance to everyday life i hadn't felt in a while, the kids are happy, my fellas happy and yes.. even I can say I'm happy.. whats going on!
My fella recovered from his operation very quickly. Its given him a new lease of life and brought a sparkle back to his eyes, hes working away from home at the moment but I'm quite enjoying the challenge of getting everything done everyday, I'm finding myself singing away as the day goes on more and more now.. and standing by my new rule of getting out of the house for some me time everyday..
My dads funeral wasn't a pleasant experience but it also did me good.. We all build up situations in our minds eye of how people see and value us, but no matter what i thought reality smacked me straight in the head when we weren't even acknowledged at his funeral, people move on we all have to accept that, i have... I understand the saying better now about cruel and kind coming together, it did that day and hurt hard but looking back its also allowed me to move on and not look backwards anymore..yesterday was just that its what I'm planning to do with tomorrow I'm concentrating on now... im planning a sky dive but havent told my fella yet so 'ssssssshhhh' please... hes been telling me all week im begining to be my mad self again so ill wait til i spring that one on him...
The weathers been that glorious Ive spent most of my time either out, doing stuff with the kids, gardening and of course riding, its been the best month Ive had in a long while. Sometimes you just need some time out....
My sense of humour seems to be coming back with a vengeance.. (at everyone else's expense of course) I'm eating healthily and trying to get myself back into shape so i can get some photos done, there was a time there where peering into the fridge late at night was becoming a habit so Ive hid all the chocolate and have just got through my first week with no sugar!... to me its as good as smoking in my garden but just as bad for me, so ive decided id take on the bad boys one at a time and see what i can reduce them too..
I do love the thought of giving those bad boys a run for their money...
You seem to find yourself again ? I am sorry that you lost yourself a bit, seemingly. I am not familiar with your story, I just started reading.
Yes my sense of direction in a car seemed to have reared its head into my life there for a time.
Im glad you came to visit, its what the future brings im looking forward to now.. ill try not to look back I promise xxx
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