Its been a lovely few days, no work, just play and a great time spent with my family..
Xmas morning was wonderful the kids were so excited, this year we did things a little differently..
Instead of the expensive xbox or playstation stuff we decided we would get the kids everything that gets their mind and bodies working .. it worked, not once has someone moaned that they are bored...lol
Sometimes taking it back to basics can bring many surprises, this year it brought loads..

Brandon asked santa for a skateboard
& has been in his element, But everyone else didnt ask for anything so on our day out together me and my fella managed to find an assortment of all those things we wanted as kids to see how the kids would react, why did i not do this before......lol

All day i played with the kids, i managed to cook a brilliant dinner in between and thoroughly enjoyed the day..
Boxing days much more chilled here so is my favourite, i get to make bubble and squeak and put my feet up a bit, my fella met up with dayle and took all the kids down to the cinema ! I couldnt believe he offered, so i got to spend an enjoyable hour in the bath and prepare a feast for when everyone arrived back, Estelle came to spend some time with me, so we caught up on all the gossip and had a real giggle, as soon as the kids were back it was mad !
The late evening was spent with just me, my fella and Dayle and what better way to finish off two lovely days..
This lad is so creative and tallented when i get together with him i cant stop talking, he reminds me so much of Gok (how to look good naked) he has the same brilliant sense of humour and makes you feel so incredible... everyone who knows him loves him, so to have him as part of our family is a gift in itself......
He has a little surprise in the new year for me, i know what hes doing and cant wait !! so next year will bring some interesting changes.....lol
Ive thoroughly enjoyed christmas and a much needed rest away from the work...
Today im taking the kids down to the beach to test out those little metal detectors so will pack some flasks and blow away those xmas cobwebs..
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