Lol........ Im smiling wickedly this morning, not only have i got a lovely peaceful day in front of me without kids at my unit (my fellas sitting) i just had an email thats made my day........
Are you reading this Cheryl (i do hope so) Brett just emailed me, i sent him a request on facebook to see if he'll have a dance with me and hes said yes!!
Titled 'shall we dance'..........( i loved that)
Lol.. this guy is amazing the best cross body (the couple dance together close) dancer any of us have seen so every week i sit there watching him wishful thinking.. so i bit the bullet and asked him (thats a first for me) hes really polite and has promised me several dances when we next meet up at our club.. My fella keeps asking me to ask the guy and i chicken out so this morning im really pleased.. his response was " ive seen you dancing up there several times and wanted to ask you but you always seem to hide up whenever i come over !! " lol Do i really look that obvious....oops
Anyway ive promised not to hide anymore - its a date !
I said id start asking the guys didnt i cheryl (i just didnt say how) hehehehe
Better get my best jeans out for this one !
Dont you just love the internet................lol
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