I had to giggle last night , Laurens like me and loves wild flowers so i came up with the idea of getting one of everything she likes and pressing them into a book along with a happy thought, so last night she comes home with a snowdrop...oops ive asked her never to pick those, they are my all time favourite flower and symbolize alot to me, its a flower that gave me hope (ill explain that later lol) but she came home from school with one, they aren't found everywhere, they are at my riding school and a wood i go when i need to sit back and restock, but not anywhere locally here, they are more wild flowers not what normal people have growing in their gardens...
So last night in she comes so pleased she got my flower, and about ten mins later was followed by a lady who's garden she had been into picking the flowers from.............oops lol
I felt awful but had to stop myself from laughing, i always hoped my kids would turn out resourceful but not to that extent, she had told the lady the flower or for me as i needed happy thoughts, so the lady came to ask... She was fine and said it was a thoughtful reason and laurens promised not to go digging up anyone's gardens anymore, the flowers do indeed grow wild in her back garden , shes elderly and doesn't do anything to it ... i bet its beautiful..
I have all sorts of plans this end for my garden, i want to create a place that's wild but naturally scented, somewhere i can sit through the summer and feel like im somewhere else, so im planting jasmine, grape vines and all sorts of lovelies, not forgetting the lambs tongue !! lol you don't need green fingers for that, just one hell of an imagination when you pick it..............hehe
I must be feeling better, now you all know why i cant wait for spring.. and im taking a keen interest in gardening..
Im working from home today as im sorting out the underwear section and its not good to drool in public.............lol Its belly and salsa dancing tonight so im gonna grab a bath later, prepare everyones meals and get the house all tidy ready for the kids to wreck when ive gone out..
My dad keeps coming back every week and ive resorted to blackmail as i cant miss the classes, so i lay out little prizes for him to give out when they are good and just tidy everything up when i get home, ive had a good night, the kids are happy and grandad now knows why ive got a white streak through my fringe now.. hehe
Has anyone been listening to the marmite song? its by David Jordan 'sun goes down' its one of those you either love or hate.............I totally love it and constantly play it on my headset, he reminds me a bit of prince in the way he moves and paints his nails but i cant get it out of my head, if ever theres a song of the year for me its gotta be that one...... i havent felt like dancing til the sun goes down for a while but those feelings are coming back .... ive put in the youtube below , i dont know why but it just reminds me of chant the woods and finding that spiritual fun loving side and dancing.......
Have a great day everyone xxx
Ah, so it's not just me busy at home then? Good stuff, I love gardens filled with roses, jasmine, lavender, tobacco plants, any thing that smells nice - I'm there.
I bet your garden will be brilliant.
It's so lovely that all aspects of your family is coming together and that was soooo sweet of Lauren.
Thanks Roses, im so pleased to hear about your job too, good luck for today hun!
Spring is my favourite part of the year everythings breathing new life and all my favourite flowers all start to come into bloom, im going to make sure this years a good one..
love jo xxx
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